Alternative Provision

Pivot considers alternative provision and inclusion as an opportunity to boost the potential grades of all pupils whether they are high achieving pupils, pupils falling below grades 9-4, or pupils at risk of becoming disaffected due to social and emotional challenges.

Pivot looks at what the school, the community and the staff can offer and what the students need.  This is taken from a series of interviews and data analysis, using tried and tested models.  Though riobust assessment of capacity and need, we work with schools and/or partnerships to develop a model that meets the needs of all.  This ensures that the needs of the individual are met but does not detract from the vision and the needs of the whole school.

The approach is designed to raise both the academic performance and social, emotional and mental health of all young people.

The Governments February 2016 report on Alternative Provision has a number of recommendations about ensuring high quality and appropriate Alternative Provision.  With our help the majority of these can be implemented by schools themselves.  We have helped numerous schools at both primary and secondary develop in house solutions.  This will reduce cost and most importantly ensure that children's development is led by experts within school.  We also offer external AP programmes in partnership with both schools and local authorities.

Alternative Provision is an area that has a great impact on schools. Pupils who need a different type of provision often results in a massive financial cost to the school and can have a detrimental effect on the individual learner needs, and both the pupils and school results. We can help you with this.

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